Livres de Vimala Thakar en Français
L'essence de la plénitude, l'Originel 2020
Books by Vimala Thakar in English
- Art of Dying while Living
- Benares University Talks, 1972
- Beyond Awareness
- Challenge to Youth
- Claremont University Talks, 1974
- Ego, emergence and merging back of the I-process
- Exploring Freedom
- Fear not Life
- Glimpses of Ishavasya
- Glimpses of Raja Yoga
- Himalayan Pearls
- In the Freedom of the Silence (poems)
- Life & Living
- Life as Teacher
- Life is Movement
- Life is to be related
- Living a truly religious Life
- Meditation in Daily Life
- Meditation, a way of life Meditation (four booklets)
- Message of Chandogyah
- Mutation of Mind
- Nijmegen University talks, 1970
- Nijmegen University talks, 1972
- Nijmegen University talks, 1972, second series
- On an eternal voyage
- Passion for Life
- Path of Nirvana
- Personal Discovery of Truth
- Radical Peace
- Science and Spirituality
- Silence in Action
- Songs of Yearning
- Spirituality and Social Action
- Talks in Australia
- Talks in Ceylon & Califomia, 1972
- The Eloquence of Action
- The Eloquence of Living
- The Mystery of Silence
- Through Silence to meditation
- Towards Total Transformation
- Vimala on national problems
- Vimalaji on Intensive Self-education
- Vimalaji's dialogues with Norwegian Youth group
- Vimalaji's Global Pilgrimage, part 1
- Vimalaji's Global Pilgrimage, part 2
- Vimalaji's Perspective of Life
- What is Meditation?
- Yoga beyond Meditation
- Yoga of Silence
All books in English can be ordered to Vimala Thakar Bookfund : email